Revolutionary traffic exchange program - Adsense safe

There is just one word to say here. 

The automatic traffic exchange I recommend here is simply revolutionary, and the best proof is that you are reading it. Why? Just have a look at a bunch of Alexa stats below.

From zero to hero

Just two weeks ago this blog was in the middle of nowhere. Overall rank was at the level of almost 3 million, nothing in the US, it was worth nothing, etc.
Then I discovered the this revolutionary way to increase statistics. The way to make your site visible within a few days for as little as 18 dollars. You need more proofs. Check out below.

No adverse effect

The traffic exchange here will not have any adverse effect on your Adsense, CPM programs, YouTube stats etc. This is because of how it works. You get direct hits only, they come from thousands of IPs of various users, just as if they put your site address into the address bar, and connected. Simple and safe, huh?

Proven Traffic Exchange

My recommendation is not based on a hypotheses. It is well proven, and I additionally I can sow you how the additional functions correlate with the stats. For some of these points like Traffic Rank there isn't enough data to present it (growth is simply too fast).

1. Reach

This one is obvious, more traffic better reach. The only assumption is, the more you pay the better reach you get. This cost me 18 bucks mind you. and this little downfall around August 10 was caused by some test manipulations, which you can observe below.

2. Bounce Rate

Easy way to decrease the bounce rate without any viruses and tricks. See below.

As you can see the bounce rate decreased significantly, actually if you put more money you can keep it very low. This is just because you can modify the length of the stay on your site. Unbelievable, but it is true.  Users can just stay 5 to 60 seconds, and from the graph you can easily see that it reflects the moment I started using this traffic exchange. I keep it on the standard variable level between 15 and 25 seconds. Revolutionary, huh?

3. Time on site

This valuable measure because it increases traceability of the site. The one here is explosive.

Google analytics added on the day I started the tests measure the average for the last two weeks at the level of 5 minutes. Dream come true, but it is achievable for as little as 18 USD for now.

4. Search

Well, this stat is insane, trust me or just have a look.

As you can see the search metrics exploded, and they increase day by day. This is how you can start from zero and become a hero, and I assure you it will help you increase your stats even if yuor stats are quite good.

How much 

The direct hits the result of which you can see above are available in the paid monthly subscriptions.

Lite for 3 EURO
Premium  for 7 EURO

The packages include free minutes you can use for automatic direct traffic generation.


They accept PayPal and PayZa.

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